
Help Desk

Our Help Desk will answer many of your frequently asked questions.  If you still have a question, please submit a ticket to the right.




How do I obtain garbage/recycling service?


The Town of Perry participates in a county-wide contract with Waste Management for residential garbage and recycling pick up. The annual fee is included on the Town & County tax bill for each residential property.

Garbage is to be placed in green totes with pickup on Monday or Tuesday, depending on your location. Recyclable items should be placed in the yellow tote and is picked up every other week, dependiing on if you are on the "gold" or "green" schedule. Pickup will be delayed a day if there is a major holiday on Monday. Large items will only be picked the week of the last Monday in each month. 

Problems with your pick up should be reported to the County Planning Department at 585-786-8820.


Can you Notarize my document?


The Perry Town Supervisor is a Notary Public and he can notarize documents with proper photo ID.

If the supervisor is not available you can also find a notary at the following businesses: Village of Perry, Hart's Insurance, M&T Bank and Tompkins Community Bank.


Where do I pay my Town & County taxes?

Category: Tax Collector

Mail: Sarah Ballinger/Collector, Town of Perry, PO Box 205, Perry, NY 14530.

In person: Perry Town Hall @ 22 S Main Street, 9-noon & 1-5 Monday to Friday. The mail drop box is available 24/7.


Where do I pay my water bill?

Category: Town Clerk

Residents in the Perry Center Water District may mail their payments to the Town of Perry, PO Box 205, Perry, NY 14530 or bring them to the Town Hall at 22 South Main Street, Perry, NY 14530. The Town Hall now has a mail drop box that is available 24/7.

Village residents should mail or bring their payments to the Village of Perry, 46 North Main Street, Perry, NY 14530.


How do I license my dog?

Category: Animal Control

  • All dogs aged 4 months and older should be licensed with the Town of Perry, per NYS Ag & Markets Law.
  • Proof of current rabies vaccination and spay/neuter is required for licensing and renewal.
  • Licenses renewed 30 days after expiration will incur a $5.00 late charge.
  • $5 exemption available for residents aged 70 years or older.



Can you fax my documents?

Category: Town Clerk

The Town Clerk can fax documents at a cost of 25¢ per page.

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Town of Perry, NY
22 South Main St, PO Box 205
Perry, NY 14530
Phone: (585) 237-2241
Fax: (585) 237-3074
Mon - Fri: 9 am - 12 pm, 1 pm - 5 pm